
functional programming language for .NET


Lumen is functional programming language with dynamic typization for .NET Framework platform. It can be easily used as script language in yours .NET projects - Lumen can be embedded into any project on any language from .NET family.


Everything is an expression!

let x = 7
println (if x > 9: "x > 9" else: "x <= 9") //=> "x <= 9"

Pattern matching

let persons = [["Alex", 20], ["Maya", 21]]

for [name, age] in persons:
  print "Name: \(name) Age: \(age)"


let factorials () =
  let factorial 0 = 1
  let factorial n = n * rec (n - 1)

  for i in 1..inf:
    yield factorial i

// This infinitie loop will be print factorials
for i in factorials ():
  println i

Tail recursion

// Factorial with tail recursion and helper function
let fact n =
  let fact 0 acc = acc
  let fact n acc = tailrec (n-1) (acc*n)
  fact n 1

println (fact 5) //=> 120